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2005-01-07 - 5:24 p.m.

I was told today what my yearly raise will be. Though, I have not actually had my review "officially", I am aware of what most of is says arleady. I must say that I ROCK. Finally, I am at a job where there are people that see it too. That's cool. Work wants me to stay and doesn't want me to continue to look for something better. The raise? Oh yeah, the raise totally kicks ass. :P

After this high note, my care decided that it wants to be a bitch. The engine emmision light came today. I totally freaked out and call the dealership. They told me not to panic and that the problem is probably not serious. I guess the light is just a warning that something maybe wrong. I can continue to drive my car until I can get it in on Tuesday. Not good. I was on such a high until this BS. Oh well, tis life. Nothing can crush the fact that my raise rocks. I just don't want to have to pay to get my car fixed. Thank god for warranty. I owe my life to it.

Can I be a mongoose dog?

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